Get Presenting!

Researching is just the start! At Charlotte, you have the opportunity to hone your communication skills by presenting at our annual Undergraduate Research Conference or the Summer Symposium, as well as other venues throughout the year. These events allow you to talk with fellow researchers, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers about your work both in-person and virtually. Highlight this experience in your LinkedIn profile, your resume, or online portfolio for future conversations with employers in your industry of interest.
Other Opportunities for you to present
Presenting and sharing your research in symposiums, journals, and conferences provides students with networking opportunities and discussion from other students and professionals in their field. OUR encourages students to present their work in multiple venues including both those on and off campus.
Travel and Conference attendance Support by OUR
ATTENTION: Looking to present at the virtual SNCURCS conference in 2024? OUR has a streamlined process for UNC Charlotte students to have OUR cover the $10 Registration Fee.
- 1) Complete this form for each presentation (include all student authors);
- 2) The lead author must submit your abstract and presentation, and
- 3) Each presenter must register through the e-store (select registration is covered by my UR Office).
- Complete all steps by November 25, 2024.
We realize that presenting at conferences and symposiums cost money and we do want to maximize the ability of students to build your professional network and career portfolio. OUR does have some limited funding available to help minimize this barrier, but it is often insufficient to cover the total costs of attendance. We encourage students to discuss the issues surrounding conference attendance (costs, learning, networking, stage of career, etc) to make sure that you are selecting the right conference at the right time for your professional development. Students should apply for conference travel grants from the conference host, professional societies, and organizations like the Council on Undergraduate Research. Students are also encouraged to seek travel funding from different campus offices, their department, or from faculty grants to minimize the cost burden of conference attendance.
- Eligibility: currently enrolled undergraduate students who are in good academic standing and who completed their research at Charlotte are eligible to apply. These funds are specifically for students traveling to professional conferences that will aid in their development as scholars or professionals. Travel must be while enrolled at Charlotte and for presentations accepted by a conference/symposium. To be eligible for funding, you must present your research (talk or poster), your name must appear on the conference abstract, and UNC Charlotte must appear as an author’s address.
- Application: submit your information to the Conference Presentation Funding Request FY25 form at least 30 days in advance of the conference. Your application must include a letter of support from your faculty member who mentored you during your research (requested through the application system), a detailed budget request, and letter of acceptance to present. The student must work with your academic department to arrange your own travel prior to the conference, and the travel award reimburses you or pays once conference expenses have been incurred. Note: requests must be made prior to travel; applications will be reviewed in an ongoing basis.
- Letter of Support: should include name, location, and date of conference; confirmation that this is a professional conference or meeting; a brief statement confirming the faculty member’s mentorship and supervision of the student’s research; a brief statement about the student and their work; a short assessment of the potential significance of the student being invited to the conference; and whether or not this research is supported by a grant (if so, include funder’s name). Faculty statement must be emailed on department letterhead (PDF) to
- Selection: while financial need is a consideration, it is not the only criterion. Funding applications are not reviewed on the merit of the abstract or research, acceptance of the abstract by the conference is considered as the merit review. We welcome applications that reflect presentations from diverse disciplines as represented in the arts and humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and professional programs.
- Financial Support: we can help with costs relating to transportation, accommodation, and registration fees (lowest eligible fees only e.g. early bird rate) up to $500 for each student in one year. It is University policy that your department will handle the travel paperwork and we will transfer the money to your department once the travel has taken place. Original receipts will be turned into your department. A completed Conference Participation Learning Form submitted as a progress report through the application system will be required after travel is completed. You must notify your department at least three weeks before the travel is to take place. Travel and requests must be completed while the student is still enrolled. The participation form must be submitted within 30 days post event.
- Students are expected to:
- Use awarded funds only as indicated in the proposed budget.
- Share accommodations, when appropriate, with other students who are attending the same conference/event up to the maximum number of individuals per room allowed by the facility.
- Forfeit and return unused funds.
- Submit a complete conference participation learning report (including picture and biography) within 30 days of travel to
- Acknowledge support from the relevant UNC Charlotte offices in the dissemination of the research.
- Failure to meet these expectations may result in a forfeiture of the award and future ineligibility for funding.
- Faculty mentors are expected to:
- Mentor the student in her/his pursuit of the proposed research project.
- Support the expectations of students listed above.
- Assist student in preparing travel fund application, submit a letter of support to OUR, and help make conference travel arrangements.
- If attending the conference with the student (highly recommended) introduce students to colleagues and their students. Help them learn to network professionally.
- Acknowledge support from the relevant UNC Charlotte offices in the dissemination of the research.
- Collect photographs from the conference and submit to OUR a photo of your student presenting their work.