Research FIT

Build a foundation to become an undergraduate researcher

This program is designed for incoming transfer students of all majors to engage with concepts related to research. The course will serve as a “springboard” for new transfer students to develop an understanding of what research looks like in their discipline, practice network building with researchers/faculty in their majors, exploring opportunities for research at Charlotte, and earn a certificate in Responsible Conduct of Research.

Applications open March 15!

Simply log in with your future 49ers credentials.


Why Do Research?

Research is active learning! Simply put, research is when you identify a problem or pose a question, collect information about that problem, come up with a solution, and share that solution and new information with others. Research happens in every discipline, and every student is capable of engaging with/participating in research.

Here in the Office of Undergraduate Research, we believe that research is valuable to help you grow as a student and professional. We work to ensure that all research experiences that we provide support your development in alignment with the NACE Career Competencies, which will make you a stronger applicant to graduate school and/or the work force after graduation.

Topics Included in the Course
  • What is research? Basic building blocks of research, exploring the research cycle
  • Why is research important? Academic success and career development
  • Who does research? Exploring research on campus and in the community
  • Where do I engage in research opportunities? Finding and securing research opportunities on campus
  • How do I do research? Ethics in research training
Research FIT Course Details

Research FIT is an immersive 1-credit hour course. Course engagement, all in-person, will take place during the week prior to the start of the fall semester, August 10-16. During the week-long course, in addition to the research-based topics, you will engage in resource training and community building to help you acclimate as a new Niner!

The UNC Charlotte FIT opening ceremony will take place the morning of Sunday, August 10. Students planning to live on campus are able to move in early following the opening ceremony (1-5pm)*.

*Note: If you intend to move in early for FIT, the deadline to inform Housing of your early move in is July 12.
*Note: You do not need to live on campus to participate in Research FIT!

What Happens After I Complete the Course?

Upon completion of Research FIT, we hope you will consider applying for the OUR Scholars Program*! In order to continue your journey in undergraduate research, you should use your fall semester to talk to faculty and staff on campus who are doing research that you find interesting and to which you would enjoy contributing. During the fall semester, we accept applications for our Spring OUR Scholars program, which matches you with a faculty or staff mentor on campus to do research and get paid!

We also recommend that you explore classes in your major/minor that are research-intensive. Some majors require research methods courses, while others may offer elective coursework. You can also consider registering for UCOL2101 Intro to Research, a one-credit course that helps novice researchers understand basics of reading and writing research literature.

If you’re ready to take your research experience off-campus, explore opportunities for research at other institutions here.

*Note: Scholars positions are available in spring, summer, and fall. Visit the Scholars Program page for full details.

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