OUR Summer Research Scholar Program

The purpose of the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program is to provide undergraduate students with an immersive and engaged research experience and accompanying professional development training that strengthens the mission of Charlotte as an urban research university. Students will be engaged in research that addresses novel questions and advances the public good.
Students can choose to be full-time participants (40 hours/week) and receive up to $5000 or be part-time participants (20 hours/week) and receive up to $2500 throughout the 10-week program. Please note that on-campus housing is not provided in the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program.
Full-Time Eligibility Requirements
- Full-time Scholars cannot be enrolled in summer classes while simultaneously participating in the program. However, part-time Scholars may be enrolled in summer classes during the program.
- Full-time Scholars can work up to 40 hours per week.
- During the Summer Semesters at Charlotte, students are only permitted to work 40 hours per week in total
- i.e: If students have another on-campus job during the summer, they can only work 40 hours in total (including the Summer Scholars program and any other on-campus jobs)
- During the Summer Semesters at Charlotte, students are only permitted to work 40 hours per week in total
Admission Requirements
- Full-time participants cannot attend summer school while simultaneously participating in the program. However, part-time participants may attend summer school during the program.
- Full-time students must be enrolled in the upcoming Fall semester (cannot graduate before December) in order to be eligible to participate. Part-time students may be enrolled in their final class and graduate in August.
- The OUR Summer Research Scholar Program is open to Charlotte undergraduates who are rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors.
- Students must have good academic standing.
- The program requires in person participation for professional development and the summer symposium. The University does not support remote employment for students.
- Students must attend all OUR professional development workshops in person or complete the online discussion (however the expectation is that you are able to participate in-person, if you have an absence you must communicate to us in advance).
- Students must attend and present at the Summer Research Symposium in-person.
Summer 2025 Calendar
Jan. 21 – Feb. 20, 2025 | Scholar participation application open |
Early-March | OUR Summer Research scholars notified of acceptance |
May 19 – July 25 | OUR Summer Research Scholar Program |
July 25 | OUR Summer Research Symposium, Popp Martin Student Union |
Tuesdays at 10 am | Professional Development Workshops |
Expectations of OUR Summer Research Scholars
- Attend all professional development training sessions and social events. Excused absences must be approved by both your research mentor and Dr. Sarah Powell, OUR Associate Director, at least 48 hrs prior.
- Be a committed research trainee during the internship period. To that end, you must make regular contact with your research mentor for guidance and direction on the research project. The exact frequency of these interactions is largely up to your research mentor, and in many instances this might be nearly daily contact, but should be at least weekly.
- Stay on task. You are responsible for committing to the required amount of work on the research project (full-time is 40 hours/week and part-time is 20 hours/week). Vacations and extended time away from campus cannot occur during the internship period as it is expected that you are working in-person. You will be held accountable for the time spent on the project and the quality of your work.
- Complete all required deliverables by the specified deadlines, including the research abstract, research poster, curriculum vitae, and final report. Similarly, all deliverables should strictly adhere to OUR Summer Research Scholar Program formats, which will be provided later.
- Check email daily, completely read all OUR Summer Research Scholar messages, and reply promptly when information is requested.
- Make a presentation describing the results of your research at the Summer Research Symposium that occurs at the end of the program.
- Report any needs or concerns regarding the project and/or mentor as soon as they develop to OUR. For example, if you are not receiving sufficient help from your research mentor, please let the Director know as soon as possible.
- Complete the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program evaluation, which will be emailed to all scholars at the conclusion of the program.
- Notify the Director of any awards you receive, professional meetings you attend, and/or research papers you present at professional meetings that correspond to this work.
- Notify the Director of any changes in your contact information (address, phone number, email address) during the internship period.
- Acknowledge the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program on any publications, research posters, and oral presentations where you serve as a coauthor corresponding to this work.
OUR Summer Research Scholar Program Mentor Expectations
Charlotte Faculty are eligible to apply to participate in this program. However, you will need to submit a summer project using the 2025 OUR Summer Request For Mentored Research Proposals Form. As a token of appreciation, mentors may earn up to $500 for mentoring one student and up to $1000 for mentoring two or more students participating in the program.
In addition, Faculty Mentors must:
- Be a committed mentor to an OUR Summer Research Scholar participant during the internship period. You are expected to find a suitable interim mentor if you are out-of-the-office for more than one week. Communicate the interim mentor’s name to the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program Director.
- Have contact with your student on a regular basis during the summer to provide guidance and direction on the research project as well as discuss the progress of the project. In many instances this might be nearly daily contact, but should be at least weekly.
- Train the scholar in the skills required to be successful in his/her research project. This can be done directly by you, or by a suitable substitute (i.e., graduate student).
- Keep the scholar on task. The scholar is responsible for 40 hours/week (if full-time) or 20 hours/week (if part-time) on the research project. The scholar should be held accountable for the time spent on the project and the quality of their work. Similarly, ensure that the scholar completes all required deliverables in a timely manner.
- Keep the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program Director informed of your scholar’s progress. This will include the completion of a midterm progress report and final evaluation form.
- Assist the scholar in writing an abstract, research report, and poster based on their summer research project by providing constructive criticism. The essential contents of the paper will be distributed to the scholars and mentors. The format should reflect the standard format of a peer-reviewed publication in your discipline.
- Attend the Summer Research Symposium to be held at the end of the program, or send representatives from your research group/department if you are unable to attend.
- Attend cohort events if possible, or arrange for representatives from your research group/department.
- Report any needs or concerns to the OUR Summer Research Scholar Program as soon as they develop.
- Complete the OUR Research Scholar Assessment Program, which will be emailed to all mentors near the conclusion of the program.
Summer Abstract Book
The Summer Research Symposium is the culmination of our students’ summer research. Please view past summer abstract books below.